We are grateful so many couples have come to us for coaching, so we unfortunately
are on a waitlist for 4-6 weeks. But here are some constructive
next steps you can take:1. Get the exact steps to repair from conflicts and arguments. The
Make Up & Move Forward guide gives you our proven framework for ensuring you resolve things and prevent resentments from building. It is only $19 and covers what we've coached couples on for hundreds of dollars.
Go here.
2. Our Communication Mastery Bundle gives you access to our exclusive trainings on communication and conflict resolution skills. Not only do you get videos to watch (at your own pace), but you also are guided step-by-step with helpful worksheets.
Get our currently discounted price here.
3. Get on our waitlist for coaching spots below.

Schedule the discounted first breakthrough session with us to get a sense of our style
(you’re guaranteed at least one breakthrough).

At the end, we’ll tell you about which of the three ongoing coaching options we recommend for you, all with varying investment and payment options.

If you decide to continue coaching, you will take with the #1 Relationship Assessment in the world (4 million couples have taken it), and schedule your next session.

A heads up: we only work with 2-5 new couples per month. So schedule the first session for only $250 below while it lasts. If you have any questions, email: connect@newpowercouples.com