They are powerful questions and we dive into this topic in the VLOG post below to watch a few minutes of video (we make them entertaining too), and we’ll write a few notes below.
Business Partners
But also, there are acquaintances you can learn from in any moment: someone you meet at the cash register, on the elevator, in a brief meeting. And it’s powerful to consider that you can learn SOMETHING from all relationships–whether they exist for 3 seconds or 15 years.
Imagine being in an elevator & you learn that smiling brings people joy in a moment, or someone at the cash register shows you what gratitude and joy look like on a rainy day.
And that is the purpose of relationships, including romantic relationships—to LEARN. To learn things about YOURSELF, life, your strengths, your growth areas, what you like, what your purpose is, where you bump up against fear…
This is our biggest philosophy about our life partners, they are our greatest teachers. Watch our brief & fun video where we talk more about this:
P.S. Have you downloaded a FREE copy of our book? If not, you can do this here: Download Our Book For FREE
In gratitude,
The Freemans